To over state the obvious by now, imagination plays a big role in my life. Just a few words can get my wheels turning and within seconds I've created a world around a full story in my mind. Almost anything can inspire me, even just a simple inanimate object. Thrift stores and antique shops are my home away from home. I can't leave a thrift store without visiting the furniture and knick-knack sections. I constantly want to buy furniture and "junk" I have no room for simply because I can already picture the perfect set or project it can and should be used for. I often find myself doubling back while driving around just to take a picture of a building or area because it might be perfect for a future project someday. Some might see it as hoarding or being nosey, to me it's stories that have yet to be told, and worlds that have yet to be built. I only just learned through school that the actual names are production design and location scouting. I knew I didn't have a problem, just a passion.
>>I was lucky enough to work with JumpPoint on the first Empire Today commercial with the new Empire Man. It was fun working to make something for a company who's jingle I've grown up singing, especially considering it was my first project as a Production Designer outside of school.